[English:Idiom] It's (just) that.. : It's not that I don't want to : Any chance ?English 2018. 11. 20. 23:54
Idiom : 관용어구, 숙어
It's that..
It's just that..
- Spoken to respond to someone with an explanation
- 설명이라 했는데 보통 변명하는 느낌을 표현할 때
- The thing is... 와 매우 유사한 표현이쥬?
- ex)
- Why aren't you comming?
- It's just that.. I'm feeling sick
- Is your homework finishd?
- Not yet. It's that I have a lot to do
It's not that I don't want to- ~를 내가 원했던게 아니라...ㅠㅠ
- 더 강햔 변명을 표현할 때.
- ex)
- It's not that I don't want to go ....ㅠㅠ.... I'm feeling sick ㅜㅜ
(Is there) Any chance ?
- An informal way to ask for a favor or to ask if something is possible
- 부탁할 때 , ~ 가능해?? 이런뜻
- ex)
- ( Is there ) Any chance you could help me? ( Is there 은 생략해서 씀 보통 )
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